Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Brett Campbell awarded with Marketing MVP Award

Marketing MVP award presented
by Paul Macaluso, VP of Marketing
I was extremely honored to recieve the marketing MVP award at our annual leadership conference at the end of February. 

"The award recognized Brett Campbell with excellence in marketing for the Moe's Southwest Grill brand and was voted on by his peers".

2011 was full of challenges and great opportunities.  Some went my way, some didn't, but I learned more in 2011 than any other thus far in my profressional career. 

In addition, I found out that in April I will be awarded volunteer of the month by AMA-Atlanta.  AMA-Atlanta is the largest networking organization in Atlanta and the 4th largest AMA chapter in the country.  I have already recieved so much out of donating my time to the organization so this was just icing on the cake.  I am excited about my opportunities to contribute to AMA in  2012/13!  In addition to serving on the Board of Directors next year, I will be co-chair of the revived mentorship program.  I am truely looking forward to tackling this rewarding challenge. 

All in all, shaping up to be a great year.  My moto for 2011 was "keep on growin"...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My 2012 College Speaking Tour

Over the past several months I have had the opportunity to talk to marketing students at multiple universities around Atlanta.  During the designated hour, I walk through what I do in my role as Director of Marketing at Moe's  (brand management, strategy development, promotions, etc.).  I am really lucky because I love what I do and I work on an amazing brand so I find myself getting really pumped up while I am speaking to the students.   


As enthusiastic as I get, I have to pull myself in and remember this isn't about me, it is about the students and giving them real life insight into the marketing industry.  I try to provide a high level road maps of all the different directions/disciplines you can go in advertising / marketing, provide advice around the importance of networking and learning from your peers, always being a student, etc. 

I started these speaking engagements as a way to improve my public speaking skill set but have gotten so much more out of it than I ever imagined.  I am "giving back" and it feels really good.  Simple and rewarding.  I encourage anyone to try it...be a mentor, offer advice, take time out of your day to help the next generation, to teach them, encourage them. 

I can't wait to see how the next generation pushes "the veterans" into new spaces.
